Summer Essentials from everyday

Summer Essentials from everyday

Summer trends have changed throughout the years, from mini skirts to floss tops, the unpredictability of summer trends tends to take a toll on our wardrobe space and wallet. Rather than spending more money on it, why not invest in pieces that are a summer staple and would last years later? 

Here are our suggestions for your summer essentials from our collections.

White Button Shirt
A white button shirts is a staple in our summer essentials. Whether you are pairing it with some denim shorts, mini skirts or even wearing it poolside over your swimwear, a wite button shirt is an essential to our wardrobe. Whether it's a long sleeve shirt or a short sleeved collared shirt, a white button shirt is affordable, flexible and can be used all year long. We suggest our Canna Top, our take on a white button shirt, with a splash of colour to spice things up! Discover more shirts here.

Summer days are hot, there’s no doubt about that! When the sun is blasting at 25 degrees plus, a pair of shorts is one of the solutions for you to keep pushing throughout a summer’s day. Whether it's a pair of denim shorts that you’ve DIY’ed yourself, a pair of nylon pants or even a pair of cargo shorts that you’ve had for the longest time, shorts are your best friend when it comes to staying cool! Our suggestion is the Carey Shorts that are made with Tencel to keep your outfit sharp while staying breezy! 

Summer Dresses
What is a summer, or any day really, without an easy piece that is a summer dress? This kind of piece will elevate your look in instant and a little effort. Interested to refresh your summer dresses? Worry not, we get all kinds of them. Discover here.

Protecting yourself from the sun is essential when it comes to hot summer days. Strolling around the concrete jungle, it might be hard to find shade during those long walks from one place to another. Hats are an essential piece of wearables to keep you cool! Whether it's your S/O’s Yankee’s hat (you know which one we’re talking about), bucket hat or even the new trend of wearing vizors, hats are a nice piece to accent your outfit!

Find your #everydayaccessories here.
Here are only some of our summer essentials! We know that each person differs from one another and has different needs, but these pieces will be timeless and worthwhile in the long run! So put on some shades and get out there!